Proudly Independent with Small-town Values
At Woodland Cabinetry, you’re not just a number. We treat you just as we treat our business and employees — with high touch and shared values. We’re an employee-owned, small-town employer that invests in our working families and the local community, not a big corporate entity driven by stock performance. In fact, we’re the number one employer in our small town of Sisseton, South Dakota.
As an independent company with a proven track record of more than 20 years, Woodland strives to exceed expectations. Our mission is to build custom cabinetry that reflects your personal style and helps organize your life — while creating the least impact on the environment.
Committed to the Environment
As a steward of the world we live in, Woodland is committed to environmentally responsible manufacturing procedures. We are a proud member of the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer Association’s (KCMA) Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP). The ESP certification means Woodland Cabinetry’s processes and materials adhere to strict standards set by this comprehensive green cabinetry program.
Additionally, Woodland is committed to reducing our carbon footprint by reducing energy usage, improving air quality and decreasing our waste stream.
Some examples:
- Installing LED lighting to cut energy usage by 24%
- Utilizing distillers to reclaim solvents and finish byproducts
- Grinding up scrap wood to be used for animal bedding, reducing landfill waste
- Only using low VOC stains and top coatings on our state-of-the-art flat line finishing system